
Học bổng Vallet năm 2022

Vallet Scholarship has been established for more than 20 years to encourage and support for Vietnamese students and postgraduate members who are talented or excellent in study and research. The scholarship is supported by the Vietnam Education & Science Foundation (Rencontres du Vietnam) and Professor Odon Vallet. Fund scholarships are normally implemented based on the provisions of the National Vallet Scholarship Criteria 2022.

The application process and announcing the results of the Vallet Scholarship 2022 is as follows:

Submission of Application:

Applicable to students from the second year and above, who have made great progress in their studies, with a GPA of 7.5 / 10.0 or higher in the main course. Other members such as English or French foreign language certificates and scientific researches in Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Technology have been published since 2020 (on websites under the category of scientific journals, SCOPUS or a domestic journal (which is scored by the Council of Interdisciplinary and Interdisciplinary Professors in 2021) is also prioritized when selecting.

Scholarship Value: 26 millions Dong 

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