CommTECH Camp is an opportunity for university students, academics, and professionals from all over the world to learn about community and global issues through a variety of insightful but fun activities. The program includes courses, visitation and discussion with government and non-government agencies, societal engagement, Indonesian language courses, learning traditional music and dances, visit to main tourist destinations, and for sure tasting delicious Indonesian food. The aim of this program is to facilitate an opportunity to better understand ITS's expertise in technology implementation within the society while visiting, discovering, and experiencing Indonesia's diverse heritage and culture. It will also open up an opportunity to exchange ideas and develop a mutual goal for the future of our community.
Continuing the success of 2012 to 2018 Community and Technological (CommTECH) Camp, ITS International Office is introducing a new innovative program, CommTECH Camp Insight 2019. By compiling and building upon the testimonies of former participants, we decided to extend the program to 14 days in order to provide more interaction among participants and also enhance the learning experience. This program will be conducted on 23 January – 5 February 2019. Furthermore, the upcoming CommTECH Camp Insight 2019 will be presented as a Project based Learning (PbL) program. Groups will be formed among participants as a platform to help solve real life problems faced by the community. With an increased engagement between participants, facilitators, and the community, a more impactful experience will be achieved. It becomes even more attractive because at the end of the program, all participants will have an opportunity to present their project and ideas which were developed during the course of the program in front of a wider audience.
The theme of the program is “Solving Local Problems with Global Knowledge”. Our organizing committee has been working hard to make the program a truly memorable experience for all participants. So, what are you waiting for? Mark your calendar and register now for this terrific program. Many experiences beyond your imagination await
The brochure is attached here for your perusal.
Brochure CommTECH Insight 2019
The teaser video of this program can be found in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwY41RXtJ3w
CommTECH Camp Insight 2019 offers 5 fascinating courses:
Sub Course A: Sociopreneurship in Action
The world is continuously facing problems from poverty, health, and climate change which cannot be solved by the government alone. Increasingly, business is seen as one of the initiatives that can drive social change on a continuous basis. This short program will not only introduce participants to the concept of social enterprise but will also provide experience and knowledge on how to build one. The program will cover important aspects of creating a new venture by generating ideas, brainstorming and prototyping, validating and testing the idea, and developing the right business model
Sub Course B:Designing and Building Energy-Efficient Car
Clean and energy-efficient vehicles have an important role of reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and pollutant emissions. In CommTECH Camp 2019, you will learn how to design and develop a prototype of energy-efficient car starting from the initial concept stage right through to the planning and construction stages. Participants of this program will be grouped into a small team and each team will be teamed up
with members of ITS student Eco-Marathon Vehicle team (8 times Winner of Shell-Eco Marathon Asia) to design and builds a prototype of energy-efficient car while taking into consideration the requirements of the engine, aerodynamics, weight and safety. During the course of the program, participant will be trained to utilize Computer Aided Design (CAD). In addition, the participants will also have a change to see an overview of the development of Student Formula Race-Car created by ITS students. This program will provide an avenue for participants to solve engineering challenges in a fun and interactive environment whilst increasing their exposure to soft skills such as team management and leadership.
Sub Course C: Introduction To Game Animation & Internet of Things
This course introduces participants to the concepts, problems, and methods of computer programming, and how these are applied to the creation of games and Internet of Things (IoT).This sub course assumes no prior programming knowledge, and is designed to explore the basic principles of digital design in the form of computer code. There will be an emphasis on programming fundamentals and participants will be motivated through the lens of designing and producing games or IoT applications. In this sub course, participants will also learn about game storyboard, game design, and IoT application.
Sub Course D: Ship Navigation Safety and Risk Assessment of Ship Collision
Geographically, Indonesia is a country with a very strategic location. It is located between two continents and oceans. Movement of goods for interisland as well as for world’s trading uses ship as its transportation way, as it would have high risk in safety issues. This makes international shipping route in Indonesia becomes denser and potentially induces catastrophic ship collision. This course will take you to understand how to
manage the safety of ship navigation including estimation of the frequency of ship collision and its consequences if it is occurred which may cause environmental pollution. We will bring you to see the Automatic Identification System (AIS) control room in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), a real time monitoring of ship operating at sea. Moreover, this course will invite you to visit the ship navigation and control simulation room which make you understand how the ship crew safely operates their ship. This course is suitable for undergraduate, master as well as doctoral degree students with or without marine safety basic knowledge
Sub Course E: Exploring Indonesian and Art
Indonesia is a country that consists of thousands of islands. Those islands are home to many kinds of ethnics and cultural beliefs. Approximately, there are 600 ethnics spread across the provinces and each of them has different folkways, habit, even arts and traditions. Because of this diversity, exploring the ethnics & cultures of Indonesia will provide an exciting and fascinating experience as participants will get more understanding about Indonesia. This subcourse will invite the participants to explore the folkways and cultures through different approaches, such as understanding Indonesian people through ethno-photography while taking pictures of beautiful scenery of Indonesia. Not only will participants observe and explore, they will also engage several activities, such as Traditional Food Packaging and Traditional Toys Workshop.
Only active lecturers, non-academic staffs & active bachelor, master & doctoral students from any background are eligible for this program.
The fee for this program is USD 1,600. This covers accommodation, local transportation, tuition fee, workshop materials, seminar kits, scheduled meals, trips, rafting, airport pick up & drop off services, and vouchers. The fee excludes personal expenses, roundtrip flight ticket, visa, travel & health insurance.
We offer full scholarship, 50% scholarship (pay only USD 800) & partial scholarship (pay only USD 1,000) for limited participants. Please register early to secure your participation in this program.
The registration will open from 21 July – 21 December 2018
Please fill in the attached registration form ( CommTECH Camp Insight 2019 Registration Form ) scan it, and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the documents below :
- Scanned passport
- A recommendation letter from your university
- Scanned students/staffs/lecturers I.D or statement letter that you are staff or lecturers from your university
Indonesian students, International Students who currently study at Indonesia & the previous CommTECH Camp Participants are not allowed to apply to CommTECH Camp Insight 2019.
For further inquiries, please contact Mr. Wahyu at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brief story of the past CommTECH programs can be viewed from these links
CommTECH Camp Highlight 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzr7EG0O6A&feature=youtu.be
CommTECH Camp Insight 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUXipMB1vf0&t=19s
CommTECH Camp Highlight 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku1mSbMJUIQ