
ASEAN University Startup Summer Bootcamp 2021

Dear Students,

In the collaboration between Can Tho University and Chulalongkorn University, Thailand,  CTU  prefers to introduce a startup bootcamp to students an following:


Chulalongkorn University is pleased to announce ASEAN University Startup Summer Bootcamp 2021. Our goal is to bring together a group of creative and passionate undergraduate students from all over the ASEAN +3 region who are interested in starting startups and aspired to become new-gen entrepreneurs. As the project coordinator for ASEAN University Startup Summer Bootcamp, the program that is being organized by CU Innovation Hub on behalf of Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. 

1. Participant must be a current student with a Bachelor degree from ASEAN +3 region
2. Interest and Intend to be an entrepreneur in startups
How to apply
1. Scan QR code on the poster or fill this form
2. Self-introduction video (max length 5 mins) must include the contents,
- personal introduction
- your strength and weakness
- why are you applying for this program
For submission guidelines and more information, please contact
Facebook: ASEAN University Startup Summer Bootcamp 2021
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website :
#AUSsummerbootcamp #aseanuniversitystartup
#startyourstep #startup101